1 |
| Indonēzijā nogrimst Vācijā ražota Indonēzijas zemūdene ar 53 apkalpes locekļiem | 21.04.2021 | lv |
2 |  | Budapeštā nogrimis upes kruīzu kuģis, vismaz 7 cilvēki gājuši bojā un 19 pazuduši | 29.05.2019 | lv |
3 |  | Boat with around 150 people on board sinks in Colombia | 25.06.2017 | en, lv |
4 |  | Russian naval intelligence vessel Liman sunk after a collision with freighter Youzarsif-H carrying 9000 Romanian sheep | 27.04.2017 | en, lv |
5 |  | Catalina affair. Soviet MIG-15 shots down Swedish DC-3 and rescuer PBY-5 | 13.06.1952 | en |
6 |  | The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was sunk by Soviet submarine. More than 9400 died - about half- children | 30.01.1945 | en, lv, pl |
7 |  | RMS Laconia torpedoed off the coast of West Africa. 1,649 people died | 12.09.1942 | en, lv |
8 |  | Ocean liner HMHS Britannic of the White Star Line, hit a mine and sank, 30 people died | 21.11.1916 | en, lv, pl |
9 |
| Pirmais pasaules karš: Rumānija pieteica karu Austroungārijai | 27.08.1916 | lv, pl |
10 |  | The liner "RMS Lusitania" departed from New York City for Liverpool | 01.05.1915 | en, lv |
11 |  | The German army defeated Russian forces at the Battle of Tannenberg | 30.08.1914 | en, lv, pl |
12 |  | The US steamboat "Sultana" exploded and sank in the Mississippi River, killing 1,200 people | 27.04.1865 | en, lv |