1 |  | Liebritānijas tronī mirušo karalieni Elizabeti II nomaina karalis Ričards III | 08.09.2022 | lv |
2 |  | Tiek izbeigts ilgākais "kara stāvoklis" Eiropas vēsturē - 335 gadi. Kara stāvoklī atradās Sillijas arhipelāgs un Holande | 17.04.1986 | lv |
3 |  | Ar vācu uzvaru pār Sabiedrotajiem beidzas Dankērkas kauja. Vācieši atļauj evakuēties uz Lielbritāniju 335,000 karavīriem | 03.06.1940 | lv |
4 |  | George V becomes King of the United Kingdom | 06.05.1910 | en, lv, pl |
5 |  | Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antionette were taken into custody by a mob during the French Revolution | 10.08.1792 | en, lv |
6 |  | Princis Džeimss Frensiss Edvards Stjuarts kļuva par jauno pretendentu uz Skotijas troni kā karalis Džeimss VIII un Anglijas troni kā karalis Džeimss III | 16.09.1701 | lv |
7 |  | Bastīlijā tiek ievests slepens gūsteknis, kuru līdzgaitnieki dēvē par "Dzelzs masku" | 18.09.1698 | lv, ru |
8 |  | Anglijas karalis Čārlzs II pavēl aizvērt visas kafejnīcas, jo tajās izplata baumas par valdību | 29.12.1675 | lv |
9 |  | King Charles II of England orders the construction of the Royal Greenwich Observatory | 04.05.1675 | en |
10 |
| Charles II was crowned King of England, Scotland and Ireland. GB restoring the monarchy | 23.04.1662 | en |
11 |  | John Milton's books were burned in London, because of the author's attacks on Charles II | 27.08.1660 | en, lv |
12 |  | Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell refused the offer by parliament to become King of England | 27.05.1657 | en, lv |
13 |  | Oliver Cromwell defeats Charles II at the Battle of Worcester | 03.09.1651 | en, lv, pl |
14 |  | English Parliamentarian forces led by Oliver Cromwell defeated Charles II at the Battle of Dunbar | 03.09.1650 | en, lv, pl |
15 |  | First English Civil War. The Battle of Edgehill | 23.10.1642 | en, lv, pl, ru |
16 |  | The Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower sight land at Cape Cod, Massachusetts | 09.11.1620 | en, lv |
17 |  | Elizabete I kļūst par Anglijas karalieni | 17.11.1558 | lv, pl, ru |
18 |  | France takes Calais, the last continental possession of England | 07.01.1558 | en, lv, pl |
19 |  | The English Parliament re-established Catholicism | 12.11.1555 | en, lv |
20 |  | Thomas Cromwell, Chancellor to Henry VIII, was executed for 'treason and heresy' at Tower Hill, London | 28.07.1540 | en, lv, pl |