Selim Šehić
- Birth Date:
- Death date:
- 00.00.1945
- Days since death:
- 29294
- Years since death:
- 80
- Cemetery:
- Set cemetery
SELIM ŠEHIĆ (?-1945)
Selim Šehić je rođen u istočnoj Bosni (?) godine, a živio je u selu Crijep, jednom lijepom mjestu iznad Međeđe, nadomak Višegrada. Pohađao je medresu Gazi- beg Čengića u Višegradu dok se nije oženio te kasnije napušta istu. Kada je izbio Drugi svjetski rat na području Balkana kao i same Bosne, rahmetli Selim biva prisiljen (mobiliziran) da služi u domobranskoj vojsci Nezavisne Države Hrvatske. Kasarna kojoj je on pripadao je bila kasarna Jajce u Sarajevu.
Zadnje momente Drugog svjetskog rata kao i propadanja NDH provodi u Sarajevu (ili oko Sarajeva) u teškom stanju. Mula Jusuf ef. Šehić, koji je tada vršio imamsku službu u nekom mjestu (možda Tarčin ili Hadžići?), ga savjetuje da skine domobransku odoru da ne bi stradao ali, on od nekakvog straha nije smio. Nakon oslobađanja Sarajeva, problematične partizanske jedinice počinju vršiti masovne likvidacije i hapšenja ljudi u Sarajevu (bilo je tu i muhadžira iz istočne Bosne i nekih katolika). Ljudi bivaju odvedeni na nepoznate lokacije i tu likvidirani.
Selim Šehić , zajedno sa ostalim "viđenim" vojnicima, pada u ruke partizanima i biva kasnije ubijen na nekoj lokaciji. Po kazivanju njegovog sina Ibrahima, njegov rahmetli babo je sa ostalima odveden u mjesto Užice i tu likvidiran.
رحمه الله رحمة واسعة
SELIM SEHIC (? -1945)
Selim Sehic was born in eastern Bosnia (?) and he lived in the village of Crijep, a beautiful place above Međeđa, near Višegrad. He attended the Gazi-beg Čengić Madrasa in Višegrad until he got married and later left it. When the Second World War broke out in the Balkans as well as in Bosnia itself, the late Selim was forced (mobilized) to serve in the Home Guard army of the Independent State of Croatia. The barracks to which he belonged was the Jajce barracks in Sarajevo.
He spent the last moments of the Second World War and the destruction of the Independent State of Croatia in Sarajevo (or around Sarajevo) in a difficult situation. Mula Jusuf ef. Sehic, who was performing the imam service in some place at the time (perhaps Tarčin or Hadžići?), advised him to take off his home guard uniform so that he wouldn’t get killed, but he didn’t to do so out of some kind o fear. After the liberation of Sarajevo, problematic partisan units began to carry out mass executions and arrests of people in Sarajevo (there were also refugees (muhajiroon) from eastern Bosnia and some Catholics in the Sarajevo at that time). Many people were taken to unknown locations and killed there.
Selim Sehic, together with some other soldiers, fell into the hands of the partisans and was later killed at some location. According to his son Ibrahim, his late father was taken to Užice with the others and executed there.
God's mercy be upon himNo places
No relations set
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