Nathalie Branitzka-Hoyer

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Браницкая, Hoyer, Goyer, Branitzka, Zaharachevich-Kapustianskaya
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Nathalie was a premiere danseur of the Monte-Carlo Ballet Russe of Col. De Basil for ten years.

She started studying dancing in the theatrical School of Petrograd in Russia under the famous teacher, A. Vaganova, who authored the book Classical Ballet. Nathalie continued her studies in Paris with the ballerina L. Egrova. Later, she entered the company of the world famous Serge de Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe. After Mr. Diaghilev’s death, Nathalie joined the Russian Ballet of Monte Carlo, which was being formed by Col. De Basil, and stayed with the company until 1938.

In 1936, Col. De Basil formed a second company for a tour in Australia, he placed Nathalie and her husband, the company’s stage director, in charge of the company and the two helped to revive and rehearse most of the twenty two ballets of the repertoire. The success they had through the whole year in Australia proved the extensiveness of their talents.

When the war started, Nathalie was living in the south of France. When the company was getting read to leave France and return to Australia, Nathalie was unable to join because her husband was mobilized in the Army. She therefore, decided to open a ballet school in Cannes. She staged a number of short plays and dance numbers which her pupils performed in the casinos of Nice and Cannes.  In xxxx, Nathalie moved to the United States where opened an elite ballet school in New York City.

Nathalie is the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Granddaughter of Count Branicki.

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Nathalie Branitzka and Ballet Russe Family

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Jan HoyerJan HoyerWife24.12.189813.12.1954
        Emilia HoyerMother in-law00.00.186900.00.1948

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