Logan Park Cemetery, Sioux City

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3927-3937 Stone Park Boulevard, Sioux City, IA 51103, USA
Political territory:
Sioux City
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Logan Park Cemetery is a cemetery located at the northwest edge of Sioux City, Iowa. The cemetery contains a number of notable figures from the history of Sioux City.

On October 22, 2005, the Sioux City Public Museum conducted a tour of the cemetery.

Notable people buried in Logan Park Cemetery

  • Andrew Gustav Anderson, hero of the flood of 1892.
  • Jay Darling, cartoonist.
  • Currier Homan, entrepreneur.
  • Irving F. Jensen, Sr., entrepreneur.
  • Henry Metz, entrepreneur.
  • David W. Stewart, U.S. Senator in 1926 and 1927
  • Tom Peterson, weatherman at KCAU-TV.
  • Louise Zerchling, pioneer reporter for the Sioux City Journal.

Sources: wikipedia.org, wikimapia.org

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