Lincoln, Wyuka Cemetery

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3600 R Street, Lincoln, NE 68503, USA
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Welcome to Historic Wyuka Cemetery,  located in the center of Nebraska’s capital city of Lincoln. Wyuka is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.  We welcome this opportunity to share a little about this beautiful landmark.

Designed to preserve the rich history of the original grounds, Wyuka’s buildings reflect the desire of our founders, staff and family of supporters to be one of continued service to this community, as well as a restful place for loved ones who have passed on.

Wyuka Cemetery has a funeral home, which is one of Lincoln’s premiere choices of funeral care.  The funeral home’s staff is committed to preserving Wyuka Cemetery’s rich heritage and tradition of care.

Wyuka Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Lincoln, Nebraska.

In 1890, Lincoln's Bnai Jeshurun Congregation, a Reform congregation, began using a section of Wyuka.

Notable interments

  • Hazel Abel, U.S. Senator
  • Gordon MacRae, actor
  • Charles Starkweather, spree killer

Let us know how we can help 402.474.3600

Wyuka Funeral Home & Cemetery
3600 O street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 3600 O Street
Lincoln NE 68510

Wyuka Cemetery was established by an act of the Nebraska Legislature in 1869, to provide a “Lincoln State Cemetery” for the new state’s capital city just 2 years after state hood (in 1867).  The three original trustees rejected the first site provided by the state– flood prone ground along Salt Creek west of Lincoln.  Instead they chose to purchase 80 acres of rolling terrain east of the city on which to establish a “rural cemetery,” the latest trend in American burial grounds.  Wyuka Cemetery was patterned after Mount Auburn Cemetery near Boston, MA (est. 1831). This new type of large, scenic, park-like cemetery with curving roads accentuating the lay of the land and abundant plantings of trees, shrubs and flowers, encouraged visitors to stroll, remember, and learn about their community’s past, continuing that same tradition today.

Wyuka Cemetery has grown since those original purchases and now encompasses over 140 acres between “O” Street and stretching north to Vine Street.

We encourage visitors to stop at our office and  pick up a copy of the ”WYUKA Cemetery Driving and Walking Tour” book  for $5.00 then follow the “Self Guided Tour” signs for a step back through Nebraska history.



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