Kārlis Reinholds Zariņš

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Kārlis Zariņš, Reinholds
, Ambassador, Cross of Merit, Order of Latvian, Diplomat, Member of the Government, Minister, Order of the Three Stars (Latvia), Politician, Public figure
Brookwood cemetery, London, UK

Kārlis Reinholds Zariņš (born 4 December 1879, Ipiķi parish — 29 April 1963, London) (international: Charles Zarine) was Envoy and Consul General of Latvia in the United Kingdom. Shortly before the Soviet occupation of Latvia, on 17 May 1940 the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers granted Envoy Zariņš extraordinary powers. He was delegated to supervise the work of Latvia's representations abroad in time of war or other extraordinary circumstance. He served this role starting from the Soviet occupation in 1940 until his death in 1963. Since then, Arnolds Spekke and later Anatols Dinbergs represented Latvia as chargé d'affaires until restoration of independence in 1991.

Envoy Zariņš was authorized to:

  • defend Latvia's interests in all countries (except Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Germany and the USSR);
  • issue binding orders to institutions representing Latvia;
  • oversee all property and handle financial resources of these institutions;
  • relieve envoys of their duties;
  • transfer or discharge employees of these institutions;
  • close these institutions (except Latvia's Legation in the United States).

However, he never received an official order to use his powers. He only received a telegram from Minister of Foreign Affairs Vilhelms Munters on 17 June 1940 stating: "Soviet troops are entering the country and taking control over the main institutions."



Source: wikipedia.org, biographien.lv


Images Title Relation type From To Description Languages
1The Foreign Minister of the Republic of LatviaThe Foreign Minister of the Republic of Latviaworken, lv, ru
2The Foreign Minister of the Republic of LatviaThe Foreign Minister of the Republic of Latviaworken, lv, ru



        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        Ādams ZariņšFather00.09.1888
        Sapa ZariņaMother00.07.1887
        3Marija Anna Rita Ingeborga ZariņaMarija Anna Rita Ingeborga ZariņaDaughter30.09.192711.02.2004
        4Henriete ZariņaHenriete ZariņaWife00.00.190223.07.1985

        24.02.1918 | Independence Day

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        17.11.1924 | Dibināta brīvmūrnieku Rīgas loža "Jāņuguns"

        Rīgas loža "Jāņuguns" (vācu: Johannisfeuer) bija vienīgā brīvmūrnieku loža, kas Rīgā darbojās pēc Pirmā Pasaules kara. Ložu pēc latviešu kuģu kapteiņa Mārtiņa Sniķera ierosmes 1924. gada 17. novembrī nodibināja Rīgā dzīvojošie brīvmūrnieki, kas pēc pasaules kara bija palikuši Latvijā. Dibinātāji pārsvarā bija vācu militārās ložas "Hanziešu uzticība" (Hanseatentreue) brāļi. Loža sākumā strādājusi Anglikāņu ielā 5, Rīgas Tirgotāju apvienības nama lielajā zālē, vēlāk Lielās ģildes namā. Ložas brāļu vairākumu veidoja bijušie Lielās ģildes un Sv. Jāņa (Mazās) ģildes locekļi, kā arī Melngalvju brālības locekļi, kuģu kapteiņi un fabriku īpašnieki.

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        06.12.1931 | Latvijas 14. Ministru kabinets. M. Skujenieka 2. valdība

        Marģera Skujenieka vadībā Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinets darbojās laika posmā no 1931. gada 6. decembra līdz 1933. gada 23. martam

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        28.11.1947 | Pimie latviešu bēgļi ieceļo Austrālijā

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