Fatima Dyczynski

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Businessman, KIA of Russian invasion in Ukraine war 2014-24, Victim of terrorist attack
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Fatima Dyczynski, the founder of data company Xoterra Space, is thought to have been on board. Her parents are believed to be Australian


Fatima Dyczynski is an Aerospace Engineer, thought leader, scientist, creative space enthusiast, motivated entrepreneur, public speaker, all world traveller and absolute futurist and has never been more optimistic about the benefits through the explosive use of new technologies through the company Xoterra. She is the CEO, founder and project manager of Xoterra.

Let's make space personal: Fatima Dyczynski at TEDxGroningen

During Summer 2013 she was active as Operations Engineer for the DELFIN3Xt, an exciting launch of TU Delft’s next generation nano satellite, which was successfully launched in November 2013. Since December 2012, Fatima is fully committed into growing the business model of this 21st century start-up company Xoterra to a solid capital venture for the benefits of mankind. Her main task of the top level management of Xoterra are comprised of: business development, organizing of all meetings and contacts, agendas, overview of all activities, planning and strategy of all activities, contact with investors clients partners, preparation and signing of contracts, finding the right partners and contractors, company vision, managing contracts, partnerships, securing investments and projects, and the allocation of tasks and milestones.




Source: news.lv

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        17.07.2014 | Malaysian Boeing 777 MH17 shot down

        According to Doneck terrorist leader Girkin (Strelkov) tweets, plane was hit down by his men. As it was announced before on 29/6/2014 terrorists occupied Ukrainian air defence unit near Ukraine border and have anti-air systems, including BUK (SA-11 Gadfly). Rocket was launched from cossacks' ataman Kozytsin positions. According to some experts, Russian aircraft with Russian tourists was expected to be shot down, to back further wide-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine after Crimea and East Ukraine

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