- Birth Date:
- 02.02.1983
- Death date:
- 16.10.2016
- Length of life:
- 33
- Days since birth:
- 15381
- Years since birth:
- 42
- Days since death:
- 3070
- Years since death:
- 8
- Patronymic:
- Sergeyevich , Sergeyevich
- Person's maiden name:
- Arseny Pavlov
- Extra names:
- Arsēnijs Pavlovs, Motorolla, Арсений Сергеевич Павлов, Arsen Pawlow, Arsen Pawłow
- Categories:
- Criminal, KIA of Russian invasion in Ukraine war 2014-25, Military person, Officer, Terrorist, War criminal, Worker, laborer , opponent of integrity of Ukraine
- Nationality:
- russian
- Cemetery:
- Set cemetery
Arseny Sergeyevich Pavlov also known as Motorola (Моторо́ла), was a Russian citizen leading the Sparta Battalion, an armed group fighting the Ukrainian government, in the ongoing War in Donbass. Previously he was a car cleaner in Russia and it was his main source of income, before he went to Ukraine.
Arseny Pavlov was killed on October 16, 2016 in an explosion of a building elevator.
A Russian citizen, Pavlov was born in Ukhta, Komi ASSR. He lived in Rostov-on-Donand spent some time in the Russian army.
He publicly married Yelena Kolenkina on July 11, 2014, in a wedding amid the war. The wedding was attended by Igor Girkin and Pavel Gubarev.
In a June 2014 interview to Russian newspaper Zavtra, Pavlov stated that they were already married and had a five-year-old son. He and his bride were featured in a caricature by Donetsk artist Serhiy Zakharov, who was subsequently held prisoner and tortured for several months by pro-Russian separatists.
According to a newspaper report by Georgian Journal he had serious problems with Rostov’s police while working there at a car wash, since he allegedly went on a drunken joyride in a car stolen from there.
Instead of going to prison he chose to go to fight in Donbas. He rented an apartment in Donetsk for 2,500 hryvnias per month and owned a Lada Niva that was gifted to him by Russian MP Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
On March 16, 2014, he participated in protests in Kharkiv, Ukraine that called for Russia's intervention. He was caught on camera in video footage of the events by the city's internet news publisher. Calling himself 'Motorola', he became the leader of the Sparta Battalion, a pro-Russian armed group fighting in the war in Donbass against the Ukrainian government. He declared the region to be "Russian land".
Pavlov led his battalion in both the Battle of Ilovaisk and the Second Battle of Donetsk Airport.
The government of Ukraine placed him on its wanted list for the creation of illegal paramilitary and military formations (Article 260, part 5).
In February 2015, the European Union added him to its list of sanctioned individuals.
On 2 October 2014 Pavlov threatened to go to Poland after the plane of Russian defense minister was not allowed to fly over Polish airspace on August 29, 2014.
On 24 June 2016, an assassination attempt was made on him in Donetsk after he left a traumatological center when a car bomb exploded.
A few cars were damaged in the area but no casualties or wounds were reported.
Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko condemned this attack, adding that "to do this in the territory of a hospital where women and children walk, this crime is beyond all measures."
War crimes
In April 2015, the Kyiv Post released a recording in which a man alleged to be Pavlov discussed killing fifteen Ukrainian prisoners of war.
Amnesty International said it was a "chilling ‘confession’", which alongside other evidence, "highlights the urgent need for an independent investigation into this and all other allegations of abuses".
He has been linked to war crimes, namely the execution of captured prisoners of war, a crime he reportedly confessed to in a telephone interview with a Russian reporter in April 2015.
Motorola and his battalion are also accused of torturing captured Ukrainian soldiers. Since the first phase of the Ukraine conflict, many of the most notorious and violent Russian-backed separatist leaders have either gone missing, been killed or returned to obscurity in Russia. After Ukrainian soldier Ihor Branovytsky had been captured near Donetsk and was in custody of Pavlovs group, Pavlov is alleged to have deliberately killed the prisoner on 21 January 2015 with two headshots.
Arsen (Arseny) Sergeyevich Pavlov (Russian: Арсен Сергеевич Павлов, 2 February 1983 – 16 October 2016), also known as Motorola (Моторо́ла), was a Russian citizen leading the Sparta Battalion, an armed group fighting the Ukrainian government, in the ongoing War in Donbass.
Early life
A Russian citizen, Pavlov was born in Ukhta, Komi ASSR. He lived in Rostov-on-Don and spent some time in the Russian army. He publicly married Yelena Kolenkina on 11 July 2014, in a wedding amid the war. The wedding was attended by Igor Girkin and Pavel Gubarev. In a June 2014 interview to Russian newspaper Zavtra, Pavlov stated that they were already married and had a five-year-old son. He and his bride were featured in a caricature by Donetsk artist Serhiy Zakharov, who was subsequently held prisoner and tortured for several months by pro-Russian separatists. According to a newspaper report by Georgian Journal he had serious problems with Rostov’s police while working there at a car wash, since he allegedly went on a drunken joyride in a car stolen from there. Instead of going to prison he chose to go to fight in Donbass. He rented an apartment in Donetsk for 2,500 hryvnias per month and owned a Lada Niva that was gifted to him by Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky.[7] According to Pavlov, he got his nickname "Motorola" after working with Motorola-manufactured equipment while serving for four years as a wireman in the army.
Activities in Ukraine
On 16 March 2014, he participated in protests in Kharkiv, Ukraine that called for Russia's intervention. He was caught on camera in video footage of the events by the city's internet news publisher. Calling himself 'Motorola', he became the leader of the Sparta Battalion, a pro-Russian armed group fighting in the war in Donbass against the Ukrainian government. He declared the region to be "Russian land".
Pavlov led his battalion in both the Battle of Ilovaisk and the Second Battle of Donetsk Airport. The government of Ukraine placed him on its wanted list for the creation of illegal paramilitary and military formations (Article 260, part 5). In February 2015, the European Union added him to its list of sanctioned individuals.
On 2 October 2014 Pavlov threatened to go to Poland after the plane of Russian defense minister was not allowed to fly over Polish airspace on 29 August 2014.
On 24 June 2016, an assassination attempt was made on him in Donetsk after he left a traumatological center when a car bomb exploded. A few cars were damaged in the area but no casualties or wounds were reported. Head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Alexander Zakharchenko condemned this attack, adding that "to do this in the territory of a hospital where women and children walk, this crime is beyond all measures."
War crimes
In April 2015, the Kyiv Post released a recording in which Pavlov discussed killing fifteen Ukrainian prisoners of war. Amnesty International said it was a "chilling ‘confession’", which alongside other evidence, "highlights the urgent need for an independent investigation into this and all other allegations of abuses". He has been linked to war crimes, namely the execution of captured prisoners of war, a crime he reportedly confessed to in a telephone interview with a Russian reporter in April 2015. Motorola and his battalion are also accused of torturing captured Ukrainian soldiers. After Ukrainian soldier Ihor Branovytsky had been captured near Donetsk and was in custody of Pavlov's group, Pavlov is alleged to have deliberately killed the prisoner on 21 January 2015 with two headshots.
Arsen Pavlov was killed on 16 October 2016 by an IED explosion in his apartment's elevator in Donetsk. Pavlov's bodyguard was also killed in the blast. Donetsk People's Republic officials claimed the IED explosion was activated from a distance by a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance force. Ukrainian officials denied the allegations, stating that Arsen Pavlov was "lucky" to be assassinated so he would not have to face justice for his crimes, further suggesting the rebel leader was likely assassinated by Russia's special forces as part of a wider purge against the early leaders of the rebel movement, pointing to the fact that about half dozen rebel commanders have been assassinated. DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko declared the killing a violation of the ceasefire and a "declaration of war" by Ukraine. DPR authorities declared a three-day mourning commemorating "DPR hero, Colonel Arseny Pavlov".
Following the assassination, a video of four men calling themselves the Ukrainian Misanthropic Division appeared online, the men claimed responsibility for the attack. However, the authenticity of the video was debated. Shaun Walker, the Moscow corespondent of The Guardian reported that Pavlov was extremely paranoid about his security, and that it is likely that such an attack would require aid from someone within his inner circle.
The assassination of Arsen Pavlov follows a string of high profile deaths within the ranks of Ukraine's separatists, starting with the assassination of Alexander Bednov, the leader of the Batman Battalion and Aleksey Mozgovoy, the leader of the Prizrak Brigade in May 2015. Indeed the death of Arsen Pavlov comes within a month of the death of Yevgeny Zhilin, the founder of Oplot Battalion, which would later form into the Oplot Brigade. Ukrainian officials have stated that Arsen Pavlov was assassinated by Russia's special forces as part of a drive to purge early separatist leaders that took part in the original insurgency of 2014, who may be charismatic but are often unpredictable. Moreover, most of the separatist leaders assassinated headed their own units, which would often engage in infighting over territory or control of the black market, suspecting that the assassinations are part of a drive to form a more uniform chain of command. Another theory behind the assassination has been that there is a drive to get rid of the first generation of rebels who were implicated in war crimes, therefore giving the separatist forces are a more acceptable public face. Indeed Amnesty International has called for an investigation into Arsen Pavlov executing 15 unarmed Ukrainian prisoners. Moreover, Arsen Pavlov's alleged war crimes have been one of the sticking points of the implementations of the Minsk II agreement, with Ukrainian authorities stating that he would not be granted amnesty. Furthermore, Arsen Pavlov was not a Ukrainian citizen, being born and raised in Russia, and serving in the Russian military during the Chechen conflict. Thus, his involvement as the leader of a Ukrainian separatist movement was pointed to as an example of Russian interference in the conflict, the assassination may have been a ploy to replace Russian born separatist leaders with Ukrainian born ones, making the War in Donbass look more like an internal affair. Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko suggested the assassination could be used as cover for Russian separatists to carry out terrorist attacks within Ukraine.
No places
Relation name | Relation type | Description | ||
1 | ![]() | Елена Павлова | Wife | |
2 | ![]() | Mikhail Tolstykh | Familiar | |
3 | ![]() | Ольга Ярославцева | Idea mate | |
4 | ![]() | Jevgeņijs Žiļins | Idea mate | |
5 | ![]() | Aleksey Mozgovoy | Idea mate | |
6 | ![]() | Alexander Zakharchenko | Idea mate | |
7 | ![]() | Владимир Макович | Idea mate | |
8 | ![]() | Павел Дремов | Idea mate | |
9 | ![]() | Александр Беднов - Бэтмен | Idea mate | |
10 | ![]() | Valery Bolotov | Idea mate | |
11 | Александр Гаркуша | Idea mate | ||
12 | ![]() | Алексей Мильчаков | Idea mate | |
13 | ![]() | Олег Анащенко | Idea mate | |
14 | ![]() | Ольга Качура | Idea mate | |
15 | ![]() | Игорь Брановицкий | Victim | |
16 | ![]() | Геннадий Дубовой | Comrade | |
17 | ![]() | Владимир Жога | Successor |
26.08.1999 | Russia begins the Second Chechen War
07.04.2014 | Ukrainas Doņeckas apgabalā notiek "revolūcijas eksports no Krievijas" un valsts apvērsums, pasludinot DTR "neatkarību"
Krievu seperātisti ielaužas Doņeckas valdības ēkā, pasludina neatkarību. Ukrainas politiskā elite nespēj adekvāti uz to reaģēt.
12.04.2014 | Начались бои в Славянске, ставшее первым сражением войны в Донбассе
17.04.2014 | Occupation of Eastern Ukraine, Sloviansk, Horlivka, Donetsk, Luhansk.
Ukrainian forces started to free Urainian town Sloviansk from russian terrorists, who occupied some municipal buildings. Russian terrorists in Sloviansk tries to follow the same scanario, which Russia implemented in Crimea.
02.05.2014 | Słowiańsk, zestrzelone zostały dwa śmigłowce wojsk Ukrainy
2 maja w powiecie słowiańskim w województwie donieckim z pomocą nowoczesnych przenośnych pocisków przeciwlotniczych zestrzelone zostały 2 patrolowe śmigłowce sił zbrojnych Ukrainy. Jeden z nich spadł do wody i załoga przeżyła, w drugim przypadku zginęło 5 żołnierzy.
03.05.2014 | Ukrainas pilsētā Kramatorskā- sadursmes. 6 bojāgājušie
05.05.2014 | 5 мая на трассе Харьков-Донецк недалеко от Славянска террористы расстреляли микроавтобус
Погиб сотрудник спецподразделения МВД, который входил в группу сопровождения
18.05.2014 | Возле Славянска расстреляли пенсионера, зачитав "приговор ДНР"
26.05.2014 | Ukrainas armija atvaira teroristu uzbrukumu Doņeckas lidostai
28.05.2014 | Славянск, микрорайон 'Артема'. Обстрел. В больницу обратилось шестеро раненых, в том числе ребёнок
03.06.2014 | Kauja pie Slavjanskas (Caricinas, Izjum)
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06.06.2014 | Slovjanska: lai atbrīvotu pilsētu no krievu teroristiem, Ukraina spiesta izmantot tankus
Ukrainas austrumos sākta vērienīga operācija pret prokrieviskajiem teroristiem un Ukrainas karavīri sākuši tanku uzbrukumu Slovjanskai
06.06.2014 | Virs Slovjanskas notriekta Ukrainas spēku izlūklidmašīna An-30b
Pēc pieejamām ziņām- 3 pilotiem izdevies katapultēties, 5 gājuši bojā.
16.06.2014 | В Славянске и Краматорске начался бой - идет обстрел, горит штаб боевиков
24.06.2014 | Террористы обстреляли украинских военных: 2 погибших, 3 раненых
26.06.2014 | Первый блокпост вблизи Славянска террористы фактически сравняли с землей, подбили два БТР, 20+ солдаты сгорели заживо
27.06.2014 | В бою под Славянском погиб один военнослужащий
28.06.2014 | Uzbrukumā pie Slovjanskas izvietotam kontrolpostenim nogalināti trīs Urainas kareivji
28.06.2014 | Между населенных пунктов Нижняя Ольховая и Камышное под обстрел попал водовоз Газ 66 с сопровождением. 2 солдата погибло
02.07.2014 | Pēc pamiera turpinās Ukrainas atbrīvošana no krievu teroristiem
13.07.2014 | Russian with military tanks & GRADs entered Luhansk, July 13,2014. After occupation of Crimea, continental Ukraine invaded
10.08.2014 | Бій за Іловайськ 10-31.08.2014
21.08.2014 | Под Иловайском погибло более десяти правоохранителей Украины
25.08.2014 | Іловайськ та Старобеш: та обстрілу з РСЗВ «Град» загинули та потрапили у полон десятки військовослужбовців 51-ї бригади.
Ilovaisk, Ilovaysk, Starobeshev