Ansel Adams
- Sünniaeg:
- 20.02.1902
- Surma aeg:
- 22.04.1984
- Elu pikkus:
- 82
- Days since birth:
- 44938
- Years since birth:
- 123
- Days since death:
- 14925
- Years since death:
- 40
- Teised nimed, pseudonüümid:
- Ansel Adams, Энсел Адамс, Ansel Easton Adams, Энсел Истон Адамс, Ансель Адамс
- Kategooriad:
- Fotograaf
- Kodakondsus:
- ameerika
- Kalmistu:
- Määra kalmistu
Ansel Easton Adams (20. veebruar 1902 – 22. aprill 1984) oli USA fotograaf, kes on tuntud eelkõige oma mustvalgete fotode poolest, mis kujutavad Ameerika Ühendriikide lääneosa. Tema stuudiost, mida haldab Adamsite perekond, on loodud Ansel Adamsi Galerii (Ansel Adams Gallery).
5. detsembril 2007 võeti Ansel Adams vastu California Hall of Fame'i. Tseremooniat juhatasid California kuberner Arnold Schwarzenegger ja tema abikaasa Maria Shriver ning koos Adamsiga lisandusid kuulsuste halli sellised nimed nagu Milton Berle, Steve Jobs, Willie Mays, Robert Mondavi, Rita Moreno, Jackie Robinson, Jonas Salk, M.D., John Steinbeck, Elizabeth Taylor, Earl Warren, John Wayne ja Tiger Woods.[1]
Tuntumad fotod- Monolith, The Face of Half Dome, 1927.
- Rose and Driftwood, 1932.
- Clearing Winter Storm, 1940.
- Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941.
- Ice on Ellery Lake, Sierra Nevada, 1941.
- Georgia O'Keeffe and Orville Cox at Canyon de Chelly
- Aspens, New Mexico, 1958.
- "Ansel Adams: 400 Photographs", 2007. ISBN 0316117722, ISBN 978-0316117722
- "Ansel Adams: The Spirit of Wild Places", 2005. ISBN 1-59764-069-7
- "Born Free and Equal", 2002. ISBN 1-893343-05-7
- "America's Wilderness", 1997. ISBN 1-56138-744-4
- "California", 1997. ISBN 0-8212-2369-0
- "Yosemite", 1995. ISBN 0-8212-2196-5
- "The National Park Photographs", 1995. ISBN 0-89660-056-4
- "Photographs of the Southwest", 1994. ISBN 0-8212-0699-0
- "Ansel Adams: In Color", 1993. ISBN 0-8212-1980-4
- "Our Current National Parks", 1992.
- "Ansel Adams: Classic Images", 1986. ISBN 0-8212-1629-5
- "Polaroid Land Photography", 1978. ISBN 0-8212-0729-6
- "These We Inherit: The Parklands of America", with Nancy Newhall, 1962.
- "This is the American Earth", with Nancy Newhall, 1960. ISBN 0-8212-2182-5
- "Born Free and Equal", 1944. ISBN 1-893343-05-7
- "Ansel Adams: The National Park Service Photographs", 2005. ISBN 978-0-89660-056-0.
Fotograafiat tutvustavad raamatud
- "The Camera", 1995. ISBN 0-8212-2184-1
- "The Negative", 1995. ISBN 0-8212-2186-8
- "The Print", 1995. ISBN 0-8212-2187-6
- "Natural Light Photography", 1952. ISBN 0-8212-0719-9
- "Artificial Light Photography", 1956. ISBN 0-8212-0720-2
- "Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs", 1983. ISBN 0-8212-1750-X
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