Kristīne Krūma

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Jurists, Pedagogs, skolotājs, Sabiedrisks darbinieks, Tiesnesis, Zinātnieks(-ce)
Norādīt kapsētu

Kristīne Krūma - Satversmes tiesas tiesnese, kura kā vienīgā iebilda PRET latvijas teritorijas, un proti, ABRENES atdošanu Krievijai.

Izglītība, akadēmiskā

  • 2012: doktora grāds (LL.D) starptautiskajās publiskajās tiesībās, Tiesību zinātņu fakultāte, Lundas Universitātē, Raula Valenberga Institūtā, doktora darbs “ES pilsonība, migranta statuss un pilsonība”
  • 1997-1998: Starptautisko tiesību maģistre (M.I.L.) (ar izcilību), Lundas universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Raula Valenberga Institūts (Zviedrija), maģistra darbs “Cilvēktiesību aizsardzība ES. Perspektīvas pēc Amsterdamas”
  • 1992-1996: tiesību zinātņu bakalaure, jurista diploms, Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskā fakultāte

Cita kvalifikācija:

08.2014           Viespētniece Migrācijas studiju centrā, Radboud Universitāte (Neimegena, Nīderlande)

07. 2014          Viespētniece Maksa Planka Heidelbergas Salīdzinošo publisko tiesību un starptautisko tiesību institūtā (Max Planck Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht) (Vācijā)

07.-08.2006: Viespētniece Migrācijas studiju centrā, Radboud Universitāte (Neimegena, Nīderlande)

01.-06.2005: Viespētniece Maksa Planka Heidelbergas Salīdzinošo publisko tiesību un starptautisko tiesību institūtā (Max Planck Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht) (Vācijā)

10.-12.1998: Stažiere Eiropas Komisijas Juridiskā dienesta Ārējo attiecību nodaļā (Brisele, Beļģija)

01.-06.1995: Pēcdiploma Eiropas Kopienu tiesību, postkomunisma valstu ārpolitikas un politikas zinātņu studijas Orhusas Universtitātē (Dānija)

Dažādi kursi: Eirofakultāte (Rīga, 2005), Umeo Universitāte (Zviedrija, 1995), Abo Akadēmija, Cilvēktiesību institūts (Somija, 1996), Oslo Universitāte (Norvēģija, 1997), Helsinku Universitāte (Somija, 2003), Galvejas Universitāte (Īrija, 2004)

Profesionālā darbība


Kopš 10.2015           Rīgas juridiskās augstskolas prorektore

Kopš 06.2013            Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību Aģentūras Zinātniskās komisijas locekle

Kopš 06.2012             Latvijas eksperte Eiropas Padomes Komisijā pret rasismu un netoleranci, Eiropas Padome

Kopš 02.2012          ad hoc tiesnese Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesa

Kopš 02.2007             EDSO Samierināšanas un arbitrāžas tiesas, arbitre

05.2007 – 10. 2015    Satversmes tiesas tiesnese

07.1999- 07.2010:                   Rīgas juridiskās augstskolas lektore (starptautiskās publiskās tiesības)

03.2007-05.2007:                    Rīgas juridiskās augstskolas valdes locekle

09.2005.-07.2006:                   Latvijas Universitātes, Juridiskās fakultātes Starptautisko un Eiropas tiesību zinātņu katedras vadītāja p.i.

09.2000-07.2006:                    Latvijas Universitātes, Juridiskās fakultātes, Starptautisko un Eiropas tiesību zinātņu katedras lektore

10.1995.-09.2000:                   Ārlietu ministrija (Starptautisko Organizāciju un cilvēltiesību politikas nodaļas vadītāja)

                                                1996-1997 Baltijas jūras valstu padomes prezidentūras sekretariāta vadītāja

09.1996. -07.1997:                  Latvijas Universitātes, Juridiskās fakultātes Tiesību teorijas   un politisko zinātņu katedras asistente

Cita darbība

Pētnieciskā darbība

Kopš 2015       ziņotāja Integration and Naturalisation tests, the new way to 2015 REturn DIALogue (procesā

2014    nacionālā eksperte (kopīgi ar Sandijs Statkus) ERC Projekts - Role and future of national constitutions (University of Kent)

2013-2014 nacionālā eksperte, Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship: Exchanging Knowledge and Identifying Guidelines for Europe v  (ILEC), Action grant co-financed under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship programme of the EU  

10.12.2012 ziņotāja projektā “Creating an observatory of migration East of Europe”, DCI-MIGR/2011/229-847            synthesis report drafter for project “Creating an observatory of migration East of Europe”, DCI-MIGR/2011/229-847

2012    nacionālā eksperte par vēlēšanu tiesbām un trešo valstu pilsoņiem ES (FRACIT), Committee on Const itutional Affairs of the European Parliament (

2012    nacionālā eksperte par pieeju pilsonībai un tā ieketmi uz imugrantu pilsonību (ACIT) DG Home Affairs (   

2010                            redakcijas padomdevēja „Socio-economic and Humanities Research Policy” News Alert Service (

01.-12. 2010:               eksperte projektā Integration and Naturalisation tests, the new way to European Citizenship (INTEC), Eiropas Komisija, ĢD JLS – Direktorāts B, Projekts JLS/2008/EIFX/CA/1002

01.-07.2010:                korespondente projektā „Citizens Assistance Regulation in Europe (CARE)”, Eiropas Komisija ĢD JLS-Direktorāts C, Pamattiesību un pilsonības programma 2007-2013

2009-2010:                  eksperte projektā „Comparing Citizenship Policies in Europe (EUDO), Eiropas Komisija, ĢD JLS, Eiropas Fonds Trešo valstu pilsoņu integrācijai

 2008 - 2010:    pētniece EK Ietvarprogrammas 7 (FP7-SSH) projektā „Enacting European                        Citizenship” (ENACT)(217504)

Sabiedriskā darbība:

Kopš 2012      Starptautisko un ES tiesību neatkarīgo ekspertu komisijas locekle, Ārlietu ministrija (2012-2013 vadītāja)

Kopš 2009       dalībniece Daudzpusējā pētniecbas ietvarā par Iekšējām lietām Eiropas Parlamentā (member of Multiple Framework Research Contract on Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament (EP) - DG IPOL)

2006-:“Odysseus Network” biedre (akadēmisks tīkls juridiskām studijām imigrācijas un bēgļu jautājumos Eiropā)

2005-:“Baltic Yearbook of International law” redkolēģijas locekle

2003:   dalībniece Nordic Research Network in Human Rights

2004-2007 dalībniece Young Researchers Forum of the Strategic Analysis Commission, Chancellery of State President

2004 -2006 member of the planning group of legal programmes for training of judges

2005 - 2007 member of the Observatory on Free Movement of Persons in the EU

2000-2007 member of the Legal sub-commission of Terminology Commission, Latvian Academy of Sciences

2004-2007:                           Valsts Prezidentes Stratēģiskās analīzes komisijas jauno zinātnieku foruma locekle

2004-05.2007:                      “Observatory on Free Movement of Persons in the EU” biedre

2004-2006:                           Tiesnešu mācību centra Mācību programmu darba grupas locekle

2000-2007:                           Latvijas Universitātes pārstāve LZA Terminoloģijas komisijas Juridiskajā apakškomisijā  



EU citizenship, Nationality and Migrant Status. An Ongoing challenge, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden:Boston, 2014

An Ongoing Challenge. EU citizenship, Migrant Status and Nationality. Focus on Latvia, Lund University, Media-Tryck, Sweden, 2012


‘A Hopeful Transmission’: Searching for Citizenship beyond the State, European Journal of Migration and Law 17 (2015) pp. 361-393

Negotiating otherness: Mozaika and sexual citizenship, in E.F.Isin, M.Saward (eds.), Enacting European Citizenship, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 84-110 (jointly with Ivars Indāns)

How do We get More out of the EU Citizenship? in Y.Pascouau, T.Strik (eds.), Which Integration Policies for Migrants? Interaction between the EU and its Member States, Wolf Legal Publishers, The Netherlands, 2012, pp. 185-207

Constitutional courts and the Lisbon Treaty: The future based on mutual trust, in E.Guild, S.Carrera, A.Eggenschwiler (eds.), The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice ten years on. Successes and future challenges under the Stockholm Programme, Centre for European Policy Studies, 2010, pp. 38-48

Latvian Integration Policy: Lost in Translation, in R. van Oers, E.Ersbøll, D.Kostakopoulou (eds.), A Re-definition of Belonging? Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Leiden Boston, 2010, pp. 241-269

Constitutional Courts in the Europeanisation of National Constitutions, in C.Closa (ed.), The Lisbon Treaty and National Constitutions: Europeanisation and Democratic Implications, Arena Report No. 3/09, Recon Report No. 9, Arena, Centre for European Studies, Oslo, September 2009, pp. 143-167

Chapter 2: Checks and balances in Latvian nationality policies: National agendas and international frameworks, in R.Bauböck, B.Perchinig, W.Sievers (eds.), Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, 2nd ed., IMISCOE Research, Amsterdam University Press, 2009, pp.67-96

Chapter 3: Lithuanian nationality: Trump card to independence and its current challenges, in R.Bauböck, B.Perchinig, W.Sievers (eds.), Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, 2nd ed., IMISCOE Research, Amsterdam University Press, 2009, pp. 97-120

Terrorism and European Court of Justice, I. Miļūna, K. Nyman-Metcalf (eds.), European Union and the Rule of Law: Experience of Latvia, 2009, pp. 185-194 (latviski)

United in Diversity: Immigration and Integration, Belonging and Remaining Outside. Tendencies of Radicalization of Society: Latvia, Europe and the World, Strategic Analysis Commission under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia, Research papers No. 5(16) 2007, “Zinātne”,  pp. 149-176 (jointly with Ivars Indāns) (latviski)

Human Rights Jungle in United Nations: from illusions to changes, Gunda Reire (ed.), United Nations Organization. Global answers to Global Questions, Strategic Analysis Commission under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia, Research Papers 6(17) 2007, „Zinātne”, pp. 63-109 (latviski)

Chapter 2: Checks and balances in Latvian nationality policies: National agendas and international frameworks, in R.Bauböck, B.Perchinig, W.Sievers (eds.), Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, IMISCOE Research, Amsterdam University Press, 2007, pp.63-88

Chapter 3: Lithuanian nationality: Trump card to independence and its current challenges, in R.Bauböck, B.Perchinig, W.Sievers (eds.), Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, IMISCOE Research, Amsterdam University Press, 2007, pp. 89-105

EU Constitutional Treaty before its rejection: how many hurdles against the European Dream? Ž.Ozoliņa (ed.), Latvia’s View on the Future of Europe, Strategic Analysis Commission under Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia, “Zinātne”, 2007, pp. 67-92 (in Latvian), pp. 69-96

Migration Policy and the Future of the European Union, Ž.Ozoliņa (ed.), Latvia’s View on the Future of Europe, Strategic Analysis Commission under Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia, “Zinātne”, 2007, pp. 152.-187 (jointly with Ivars Indāns) (latviski), pp. 160-197

Human Rights and Development Co-operation: Latvian potential, in G. Ignatāne (ed.), Latvia and Development Co-operation, Research Papers, Strategic Analysis Commission under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia, 4(10)/2006, “Zinātne” Publishers, pp. 129-150. (latviski)

The Ruling of the European Court of Justice on Migration: European Community Competence is Getting Shape (case review C-540/03), Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesibas (Law and Justice)(latviski), September 2006, Vol. 8, No. 9 (85) pp. 282-288.

Third country nationals status directive: test for migration policies of Member States, in journal Latvia in the European Union, EU Information Agency, No.1, February 2006, pp. 28-30. (latviski)

Free Movement Rights of Third Country Nationals in International Treaties binding on Latvia, in P.Zvidriņš (ed.) Demographic Situation: Present and Future, Research Papers, Strategic Analysis Commission under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia, 3(4)/2005, “Zinātne” Publishers, pp.163-183. (latviski un angliski 2(8)/2006 pp. 168-191.).

International and EU Law: the relationship of competition or co-operation? Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesibas (Law and Justice)(latviski),  November 2005, Vol. 7, No. 11(75), pp. 341-351.

Development of the Status of Non-citizen in the Case law of Latvian Courts. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)(latviski), April 2005, Vol. 7, No.68, pp. 113-117.

European Union and third country nationals: integration with outlook for future. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)(latviski), June 2004, vol. 6, No 6(58), pp. 168-178.

EU citizenship: unresolved issues, RGSL Working papers No. 22, Riga, 2004 (angliski)

Stocktaking of EU Pre-Accession Monitoring Process, Citizenship Issues and Non-Citizens in Estonia and Latvia: a Litmus Test for European Union Human Rights Policy, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Kluwer Law International, Vol. 4, 2004, pp.33-53 (angliski)

Constitution of the European Union: frozen integration. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski), September 2003, vol.5 No9(49), pp. 273-279 (pieejams arī angļu valodā Law and Justice, Selected articles of 2003, 2004, pp. 36-43).

European Union citizenship and Latvian non-citizens. (jointly with Ineta Ziemele), Latvijas Vēstnesis, Jurista vārds, Nr. 33 (291), 16.09.2003. (latviski)

Contemporary understanding of sovereignty in changeable Europe. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski),  April 2003, vol.5 No4 (44), pp. 106-111.

New qualification for terrorism: challenge for effectiveness of international law. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski), November 2001, vol.3 No11 (27), pp. 322-327.

The European Court of Justice and Exposure of Integration in the Judicial Process, Formation of the Judicial Practice, Scientific Articles, University of Latvia, No.632, Riga 2001 (latviski)

EC Legislation and Legislative Procedure. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski), September 2000, vol.2 No 9(13), pp.271-278.

General Principles of the EC Law. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski), August 2000, vol.2 No8(12), pp. 241-250.

Main Institutions of the EU and their Activities. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski), July 2000, vol.2 No 7(11), pp. 208-214.

History of European Integration. Monthly legal journal Likums un Tiesības (Law and Justice)( latviski), June 2000, vol.2 No. 6(10), pp.176-180.

Conservatism. in Assumptions of the Law Theory and Political science. University of Latvia, Riga, 1997, pp. 73-82 (latviski).

Grāmatu recenzijas

Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors, By Andrew Clapham, Oxford University Press, 2006. European Law Journal, May 2008 - Vol. 14 Issue 3, pp. 383–387.

State and Nationality. Baltic and Russian examples. (Ineta.Ziemele, State Continuity and Nationality: The Baltic States and Russia. Past, Present and Future as Defined by International Law. 2005, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). Jurista vārds, 17.01.2006 Nr.3 (406), pp.4-5 (latviski)

Pētījumi un ziņojumi

Kruma K., Country Report on Latvia, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, European University Institute, Country Report, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-CR 2015/6, 2015, available at .

Kruma K., Access to Electoral Rights, Latvia, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, European University Institute, Florence Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies EUDO Citizenship Observatory, June 2013, available at <>

Comparative study on integration policies in CARIM-East Countries, CARIM-East Research, Creating an Observatory of Migration East of Europe, Report 2013/40, European University Institute, (2013), available at

Country Report on Latvia, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, European University Institute, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-CR 2013/13, 2013, available at

Report on Naturalisation Procedures for Immigrants. Latvia, EUDO Citizenship Observatory Migration Policy Group in collaboration with Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Naturalisation Procedures Report, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-NP 2013/20, 2013, available at

Country Report: Latvia, The Intec project: Integration and Naturalisation tests: the new way to European Citizenship, European Integration Fund (Centre of Migration Law, Radboud University Nijmegen: The Netherlands), November, 2010, available via

Study on Enacting European Citizenship: Youth organizations in Latvia (case study of Mozaika), European Commission Framework Programme 7 (FP7-SSH) funded project ENACT – Enacting European Citizenship (217504) co-ordinated by the Open University, 2010, available at (jointly with Ivars Indāns and Sandra Baltruka)

Study on Enacting European Citizenship: Latvian migrants in the EU, European Commission Framework Programme 7 (FP7-SSH) funded project ENACT – Enacting European Citizenship (217504) co-ordinated by the Open University, 2009, available at (jointly with Ivars Indāns and Sandra Baltruka)

Country Report on Latvia, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, European University Institute, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-CR 2009/05, available at

Study on Enacting Non-citizenship in Latvia: challenges to national and European frameworks, European Commission Framework Programme 7 (FP7-SSH) funded project ENACT – Enacting European Citizenship (217504) co-ordinated by the Open University, 2009, available at  (jointly with Ivars Indāns)

Report on Enacting EU Citizenship in Latvia: Case of Non-citizens, European Commission Framework Programme 7 (FP7-SSH) funded project ENACT – Enacting European Citizenship (217504) co-ordinated by the Open University, 2008, available at (jointly with Ivars Indāns and Laura Meijere)

Expert report, K.Groenendijk, R.Fernhout, D.van Dam, R.van Oers, T.Strik, The Family Reunification Directive in EU Member States. The First Year of Implementation. Centre for Migration Law, Nijmegen, 2007 (report in CD format attached to the book)

Report “The Future of Europe. 2007” prepared on basis of study by Strategic Analysis Commission under Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia “Latvia’s View on the Future of Europe”, “Zinātne”, 2007 (jointly with Ivars Indāns)

Report on the Free Movement of Workers in 2006. Latvia, Observatory on Free Movement of Workers within the European Union. 

Legal Aspects of Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region, Ž.Ozoliņa (ed.), Baltic Sea Region after the Enlargement of the European Union: Future Prospects, 2006, “Zinātne”  Publishers, pp. 55-87 (latviski, angliski pp. 34-53).

Free Movement of Workers and Immigration. EU regulative framework, in Latvian immigration policy: problems and perspectives, Latvian Foreign Policy Institute and Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2006, pp. 29-46 (latviski)

Report on the Free Movement of Workers in 2005.Latvia, Observatory on Free Movement of Workers within the European Union. 

Report of 2005 for Network of Independent Experts on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Articles 19 (partially), 39, 40, 45, 46).  

Report on the Free Movement of Workers in Latvia in 2004 (prepared in co-operation with Ineta Ziemele), Observatory on Free Movement of Workers within the European Union.


Legal Aspects of the 1940 Events in Latvia, and Consequences of Occupation from International Law Perspective: possibilities to bring claims, in Ž.Ozoliņa (ed.), Past in the Future. Assessment of the Events of 1940 in Latvia, ASPRI, 2005, pp. 10-14 and 20-26 (available in Latvian and English).


Monitoring the EU Accession Process: Judicial capacity, OSI, Latvia, 2002 (latviski un English).


8th Saeima elections. Pre-election positions. Saeima Information Bureau. 2002 (latviski)


7th Saeima elections. Pre-election positions. Saeima Information Bureau, 1998 (latviski) (jointly with Ivars Indāns).


15 articles in Latvian newspapers and internet portal (UN, international law, EU law, foreign policy). 



Vieslekcijas un zinātniskās konferences:

  • Human Rights Institute, University of Latvia (1997 and 2001),
  • RGSL Continued legal education courses for judges of Supreme Court, sports federations, European Information office of Parliament, Latvian Railway, (2002-2005),
  • Judicial Training centre (2003),
  • International Lawyers Congress IVR, Special working group on EU citizenship (Lund, August 2003),
  • International Conference on Legal Consequences of Molotov-Ribentrop Pact (2005),
  • Chairperson of Section on International, Constitutional law and Theory of Law at the 63rd Conference of the University of Latvia (Riga, Februāris 2006),
  • International conference on legal status of third country nationals in the EU (Nijmegen, 2006),
  • International Summer School on EU Immigration and Refugee Law (Brussels, Jūlijs 2006),
  • Conference of Strategic Analysis Commission and ASPRI (Riga, Novembris 2006),
  • International Seminar on Implementation of the Family Reunification Directive in EU Member States (Nijmegen, 2007),
  • The EU as a Global Actor in the UN Reform Process (Berlin, Oktobris 2007),
  • Challenges of Migration for Citizenship Attribution, NORFACE Seminar (Maastricht, Novembris 2007),
  • The Reform Treaty and national constitutions: towards further Europeanisation? What are the democratic implications, RECON workshop (Madrid, Janvāris 2008),
  • Language and Integration Tests for Newcomers and Future Citizens (Nijmegen, Februāris 2008),
  • Terrorism and the European Court of Justice, 10th Anniversary Conference of the RGSL (Riga, Aprīlis 2008),
  •  “Comments on Rottmann case, Conference “Which integration policies for migrants? Interaction between the EU and its Member States” (Brussels, 28-29 Oktobrisr 2010),
  •  “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship after the Lisbon Treaty” (Barcelona, 7-8 Februāris 2013),
  • “'Who Owns EU Citizenship? Loss and Acquisition of Citizenship and the Role of the EU': Quasi loss of citizenship”p (CEPS, Brussels, 29th - 30th Aprīlis 2014);
  • “Assessing the EU's responsiveness to constitutional rights” (Augusts 28-29, Canterbury, 2014),
  • “Non-citizens in Latvia, The First Global Forum on Statelessness”, (The Hague, 15-17 Septembris 2014)           


Akadēmiskās konferences:

  • “Highest Courts of Baltic Republics and the EU”, Conference on Constitutional Studies on Political and Economic Integration (Barcelona, Novembris 2008),
  • Apmācības (Raoul Wallenberg Institute and SIDA) “for Judges of East African Court of Justice on EU common market” (Zanzibar, 23-25 Jūlijs 2012),
  • Seminārs “on the Role of Constitutional Courts of Eastern Partnership Countries in the process of harmonization of national legislation with the ‘Acquis Communautaire’”, TAIEX, JHA 47587 (Batumi, 21-22 Septembris 2012),
  • Seminārs “Research methodologies in public international law and human rights”, Rīga, Rīgas Juridiskās augstskola un Kopenhāgenas universitāte, 26-27.oktobris, 2015




Valodu zināšanas:

latviešu – dzimtā

angļu – brīvi (lasīšanā, rakstīšanā, runāšanā)

krievu – brīvi (lasīšanā, rakstīšanā, runāšanā)

vācu-pamatzināšanas (runāšanā)

2016.gada janvāris

Avots: LU Juridiskā fakultāte





Kristīne Krūma dzimusi 29.01.1974. nodarbojās ar sabiedrisko darbību Latvijas Republikas teritorijā.

Atbilstoši SIA Lursoft, preses un interneta resursu datiem, Kristīne Krūma bija saistīts ar šādām organizācijām:

Kristīne Krūma nomira 42 gadu vecumā, 2016. gadā.

Vairāk informācijas par personu, kuras vārds ir Kristīne Krūma varat meklēt vietnē Tiks parādītas visas atbilstošās publikācijas pēc vārda sakritības (tās var būt dažādas personas).

Avoti: Preses un interneta publikācijas, Sēru vēstis,



Bildes Nosaukums Saites No Līdz Apraksts Valodas
1Latvijas UniversitāteLatvijas Universitātestrādājislv
2Latvijas UniversitāteLatvijas Universitātemācījieslv
Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību Rīgas Juridiskā augstskola nav precizētalv



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