Adrian von Fölkersam

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Adrians Felkerzāms, Folkarsams Folkerzams
Dzelzs krusta Bruņinieka krusts, Izlūks, spiegs, Militārpersona, karavīrs, Nacists, Saistīts ar Latviju
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Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург, Russia- Inowrocław, Inowrocław, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland


Baron Adrian von Fölkersam was a German Brandenburger and Waffen-SS officer in World War II.

Fölkersam was born into an aristocratic Baltic German family with a long record of service to the Russian Empire.  Fölkersam's family fled Russia after the Russian Revolution and settled in Latvia.

From 1934 he attended university in Munich, Königsberg and Vienna studying economics, at this time he became a member of the National Socialist movement and the SA. Fölkersam joined the Brandenburgers in May 1940, forming a special unit comprising Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans) of Russian origin.

His unit was active extensively during Operation Barbarossa.

In 1944 Fölkersam's unit transferred to the Waffen-SS and became the major part of SS-Jagdverband Ost. This unit was active on the Eastern Front and took part in the kidnapping of Miklós Horthy, Jr. and the deposition of his father, the Hungarian regent Miklós Horthy in Operation Panzerfaust.

During the Battle of the Bulge, Fölkersam participated in Operation Greif, and worked in close coordination with Otto Skorzeny.

 In January 1945, having posted to the Eastern Front, he fought against the advancing Red Army in central Poland. 

Adrian von Fölkersam was killed in action on 21 January 1945 near Inowrocław, Poland. At the time of his death, he was an SS-Hauptsturmführer (captain), and was in command of the SS-Jagdverband Ost.


  • Iron Cross (1939) 2nd and 1st Class
  • Infantry Assault Badge
  • Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 14 September 1942 as Leutnant der Reserve and adjutant in the Stab of the I./Lehr-Regiment z.b.V. 800 "Brandenburg"

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        Saistītās personas vārdsSaitesDzimšanas datumsMiršanas datumsApraksts
        1Armīns fon FelkerzāmsArmīns fon FelkerzāmsTēvs04.04.186107.12.1917
        2Georg Leopold Eugen  von FölkersamGeorg Leopold Eugen von FölkersamOnkulis03.07.184214.04.1898
        3Hamilkars Eižens Magnuss  fon FelkerzāmsHamilkars Eižens Magnuss fon FelkerzāmsOnkulis03.11.185404.08.1929
        4Fabian Johann Eugen  von FölkersamFabian Johann Eugen von FölkersamVectēvs00.00.180913.04.1883
        5Georgs Frīdrihs  fon FelkerzāmsGeorgs Frīdrihs fon FelkerzāmsVecvectēvs10.11.176618.11.1848
        6Wera* Kitty Sophie Margarethe  von  BlanckenhagenWera* Kitty Sophie Margarethe von BlanckenhagenBrālēns/māsīca26.09.189413.09.1962
        7August Hamilkar Alexander Friedrich  von FölckersahmAugust Hamilkar Alexander Friedrich von FölckersahmBrālēns/māsīca02.10.186331.07.1934

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