Charles Richardson

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Чарли Ричардсон, William
Gangsteris, recidīvists, kriminālās pasaules autoritāte
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Charles Richardson

Charles Richardson, who has died aged 78, was a criminal businessman and unrepentant gangster who, with his younger brother Eddie, corrupted detectives and terrorised the south London underworld of the 1960s; after a series of so-called “Torture Trials” — which, for the first time, shed light on the inner workings of British organised crime — he served a 25-year prison sentence before being released in 1984.


The Richardsons, along with 'Mad' Frankie Fraser and George Cornell, were the main rivals of twin brothers Ronald "Ronnie" Kray and Reginald "Reggie" Kray during the 1950s and '60s.

The two rival sets of brothers controlled London, operating through armed robberies, arson, protection rackets, assaults and torture, with the Krays based in East London and the Richardson gang from South London, also entrenched in the West End.

Their turf war began after a brawl during a Christmas party at the Astor Club in December 1965.

It was here that George Cornell, insulted Ronnie Kray, calling him a ‘fat poof’ after first meeting the Krays while in Shepton Mallet Prison.

Shortly after the incident Cornell was seen walking down Whitechapel Road shouting: 'Where's that fat w*****?' referring to Ronnie Kray.

Ronnie Kray showed up at the Blind beggar pub where Cornell was drinking, and shot Cornell through the head at close range.

In March 1966 a gun battle took place in a club called Mr Smiths in Rushey Green with the Richardson gang going there with the intentions of wiping out the Krays.

However there was only one member of the Kray gang present. He was shot dead. Frankie Fraser , a good friend of the Richardsons was shot in the hip and Eddie was shot in the backside.

They were taken to hospital and on their release they were charged with affray and sentenced to 5 years in prison. Frankie Fraser was originally charged with the murder of Dickie Hart but was found not guilty.

Other notable characters in the Richardson gang included the notorious hit man Jimmy Moody, Roy Hall (who operated the electric generator), Albert Longman, and Tommy Clark.

Moody was the main enforcer for the Richardsons, but also did 'freelance work' for the Krays and became one of the most feared criminals to emerge from the London underworld.

A further member of the gang, Harry Beard, is known for frequently urinating on a collector of protection money, who was twice warned by the Richardsons after he pocketed the money.
Another infamous killing at the time was that of Jack "The Hat" McVitie, a minor member of the Kray’s gang, killed by Reggie Kray, in a move that eventually led to their convictions.

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