Igor Ledogorov

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Игорь Вадимович Ледогоров
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Игорь Ледогоров, Igors Ļedogorovs,
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Igor Vadimovich Ledogorov (Russian: Игорь Вадимович Ледогоров ; 9 May 1932 – 10 February 2005) was a Russian actor.


Igor Ledogorov was born on 9 May 1932 at Moscow. Since the beginning of The Great Patriotic War he and his family was in evacuation in Tashkent. Here he first came into contact with the world of cinema, the crowd participated in the famous picture director Leonid Lukov Two Soldiers.

In 1958, he graduated from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, where he was a party to the collective dramatic, artistic director was Honored Artist of the RSFSRNikolay Khlibko. Also in Tashkent e entered the Theatre and Art Institute Alexander Ostrovsky, graduated in 1964.

The first significant work was the role of the actor Nikolay Bauman in eponymous historical-biographical film directed by Semyon Tumanov.

On 1967 to 1969 and Ledogorov played Leningrad Theater Lenin Komsomol. Then, having become acquainted with Igor Vladimirov, he moved to Тheater Lensoviet. There he spent three years playing in productions of Warsaw Melody (from Alisa Freindlich), The Road to CalvaryThe Forty-First.

In 1971 Igor Ledogorov came to DATS.[1] On the stage of this theater he performed until 1997 and, until his departure abroad.

In 1997 from the actor after his son Vadim emigrated to New Zealand.

Ledogorov died on 10 February 2005 in Hamilton. He was buried in Cambridge (Hautapu) Public Cemetery.


This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
  • 1964 — Your traces as Vladimir
  • 1968 — Nikolay Bauman as Nikolay Bauman
  • 1970 — Ballada o Beringe i ego druzyakh as Dmitry Ovtsyn
  • 1972 — Hot Snow as Osin, Colonel, Chief of Counterintelligence
  • 1974 — Georgiy Sedov as Georgy Sedov
  • 1974 — Teens in the Universe as extraterrestrial
  • 1975 — Ot zari do zari as General Stukovsky
  • 1976 — Zhizn i smert Ferdinanda Lyusa as Bauer
  • 1977 — Legenda o Tile as William the Silent
  • 1977 — Portret s dozhdyom as Anatoliy
  • 1980 — Karl Marks. Molodye gody as Wilhelm Weitling
  • 1981 — Per Aspera Ad Astra as Ambassador Rakan
  • 1982 — Nezhnost k revushemu zveryu as Donat Borovskiy
  • 1988 — Pust ya umru, Gospodi
  • 1995 — Tribunal as Chairman of the court
  • 1997 — Sezon okhoty as Vertletsky

Honors and Awards

  • 1974 - the State Prize BSSR for his role in the movie underground worker Jean Ruins shoot ... (1970-1972)
  • 1978 - Vasilyev Brothers State Prize of the RSFSR for her performance as a scout Afanasyev-Reisner in Front Beyond The Frontline (1977)
  • 1979 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  • 1989 - People's Artist of the RSFSR

Avoti: wikipedia.org, timenote.info

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